A unit of literacy planning with scaffolding to support confidence building in writing.
All lessons have ppts and scaffolding.
A planning document is also included to take you through the learning journey.
Aimed at Year 4 but could be used in Year 3 or LA Year 5.
It was planned using the Welsh curriculum so focuses on elements of the Health and Wellbeing Aole as well as LLC and cross-curricular skills.
Lesson 1 - Sensory Walk to find things we hear, see, touch and smell.
Lesson 2 - Create a wordbank from our walk and begin to build and upgrade sentences.
Lesson 3 - WMG similes and innovating our own similes
Lesson 4 - Comparing colours to emotions. (Creating a colour wheel thesaurus to upgrade our language before using our ideas to support writing.)
Lesson 5 - Planning our senses simile poems using a Wagoll as well as ‘My turn’ ‘your turn’ lesson so they are upgrading ideas throughout.
Lesson 6 - Write, edit and publish using success criteria
Lesson 7 (optional - record their poem on Seesaw and asses against a set of criteria. self and peer assess and set a personal oracy target for the rest of the term.